Going deep into the details of the types of mesothelioma cancer, we should first have an overview on asbestos, the main cause of mesothelioma.
The cause of mesothelioma is related to the intensity of the exposure to asbestos that can either be direct (primary) or indirect exposure (secondary). Asbestos causes not only cancer mesothelioma, but it can affect the body by other means too. For example, it may be the cause of cancer of the lung of asbestos, asbestosis, diffuse pleural thickening and fibrosis other than malignant mesothelioma.
The cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos was discovered in the professional exhibition for the minerals. For this case, the exposed persons were in the framework of work in places where there is extensive use of asbestos. People who have first had the deadly disease were mostly minor, workers asbestos factories and shipyards with those related to the construction.
While the first cases of mesothelioma have been reported after about 30 years or the exhibition more asbestos and the normal time taken for mesothelioma to become symptomatic is almost identical. Therefore, it was easy to establish links to asbestos and mesothelioma patients with the same background to work as well. It is also the only known cause of Mesothelioma has been proven so far.
Asbestos course is generally six mineral fibrous namely chrysotile, tremolite, actinolite, amosite, crocidolite and anthophyllite. Asbestos has long been used in various purposes can there be commercial ou industriel.
As this mineral is resistant to heat and fire with with a high tensile strength, it was named "miracle mineral" and used as a material insulation in buildings, automobile and construction naval crafts.
The people who were in direct relation with these and minors, who were harvesting this dangerous mineral on a daily basis, were most at risk of developing mesothelioma due to the heavy amount of exposure to asbestos that they face every day.
As asbestos is more difficult than the benefits to humans, it was therefore better to prohibit its use. These risks have been known but ignored due to commercial purposes. But with increased awareness of the public and health concerns, it was banned finally in most affected countries.
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