
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Information about breast cancer symptoms and diagnosis

The main cause of death among women is only cancer. The exact cause of cancer is unknown. It is usually diagnosed by the formation of lumps, but it is not necessary that all lump cancerous may only. Even the symptoms of cancer are also not very clear. Usually in early-stage breast cancer are asymptomatic. But the look and feel of the breast it changes as a growth of the tumour. Some common changes operating

1. There is a lump or thickening in the underarm area or near the breast.
(2) There is a change in the shape or size of the breast.
(3) The direction of the nipple is inside in the chest.
4. Some outflow of fluid from the nipple. If the discharge is bloody, it is more risky.
5. Dimpling or puckering in the skin of the breast.
(6) The skin on the chest is red, scaly or swollen skin. These symptoms will appear also on the nipple or areola (dark area of skin in the middle of the chest).

If any person suffers from any of these symptoms an expert of cancer can contact then immediately he or she so can be the problem diagnosed and properly treated ion time.

Diagnosis of breast cancer

You can also get, check with the doctor, even if you do not suffer from breast cancer. Doctors to some questions about personal and family recommend some clinical breast exams and mammography to the cancer in the early stages to recognize. When cancer is detected at an early stage it can be treated properly.

Clinical breast exam-in this process of the health care provider checks your breasts. Ask you raise your arms above your head or press your hands against your hips. The health provider observed the changing shape and size of breasts. It also checks your chest if it not rash, dimpling or other abnormal signs. The liquid check the nipple squeeze the nipple the health experts.

Mammography is an x-ray image of tissue within the chest. It is the result, before any person can feel the lump. So, it is advisable to get early regular screening mammography especially after 40 for the detection of breast cancer.

Other imaging tests for the confirmation of breast cancer are ultrasound and MRI. These tests will help to obtain detailed images of breast tissue.

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