
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Réduction des cas de mésothéliome en Suède

Mesothelioma is a terrible disease. It affects people who are exposed to fibres of asbestos and asbestos dust. Mesothelioma can be cancerous (malignant form) or non-cancerous (benign form of mesothelioma), when the fibres of asbestos or asbestos dust is inhaled, it enters the body and travels through the organs of the body, organs of the body as the heart and the lungs, abdomen have a lining known as mesothelium lining. When this lining comes into contact with asbestos particles, it starts to behave abnormally. Asbestos fibres are the mesothelium of rapidly dividing cells. In addition, these cells start to survive other cells. This leads to tumors in this part of the body. This body condition is known as mesothelioma. The tumors can also extend to other parts of the body.

The worst of this disease is that it has a very long period of latency of approximately 20 to 40 years. In addition, this disease has no known cure. Thus, the only way to check the spread of this disease is by the prohibition of asbestos. Although many countries such as USA, UK and the Japan have banned asbestos, mesothelioma deaths continue. This is because the disease has a huge latent period. It is expected that the Member of mesothelioma deaths will arrow in the years 2015 to 2020. However, there is only one country, "Sweden", which has shown a constant decrease in the number of mesothelioma cases. See how and why this was possible in Sweden.

Statistics of mesothelioma in Sweden

There are now approximately 100 000 cases of mesothelioma around the world. Even more is expected over the next 10 years all around the globe. In 1961 - 2000, Sweden has recorded about 2190 cases of mesothelioma. On average, this statistic is approximately 52 cases per year. However, the year 1993 was a terrible period as the number of cases of mesothelioma a peak high in this year.

After 1993 there was a progressive decrease in the number of mesothelioma cases. The year 2003, the Sweden had about 20 cases of mesothelioma by the million people per year. The same year, Britain had about 39 cases per million population. While everyone was the problem of the increase in cases of mesothelioma, the Sweden was the only country where there is a steady decline in the Member of mesothelioma. The reasons for this change must be analysed.

Immediate action by the Sweden

The Sweden is the only country who took immediate measures against deadly mesothelioma. It imposed an immediate ban of asbestos. The first immediate reaction of the Sweden began in 1964 itself. The first of the Sweden asbestos regulation dates back to 1964. The year 1976, Sweden began to impose very strict regulations on the importation and use of asbestos. 1986-1988 was another landmark for the Sweden. During these years, Sweden has imposed a complete ban of asbestos. The Sweden is the first country in the European union to impose a complete ban on all types of asbestos. Many countries do not prohibit white asbestos or chrysotile. The reason given by them, is that white asbestos does not cause harm if used with appropriate guarantees. However, as the real reason behind their inaction is that the immediate economic performance makes blind for the future of the public health of millions. Sweden is an exception to this rule. It prohibits all types of asbestos.

Another important lesson to learn from the Sweden is that white asbestos is also very harmful. 90% of the asbestos used in Sweden was white asbestos. When all the
Types of asbestos have been banned in Sweden. There was a drastic decrease
the number of mesothelioma cases. This clearly proves that the same white asbestos is very harmful. It can lead to many diseases such as asbestosis, fibrosis, asbestos warts and deadly mesothelioma. The main reason for the decrease in cases of mesothelioma in Sweden is because the Sweden brought an immediate and rapid action to control the disease.

Sweden campaign against the disease began in 1964 itself. The largest number of deaths due to occupational diseases in Sweden is always reason for mesothelioma. If this is the case in Sweden, then it is frightening to think that the condition in other countries. Other countries should begin to act immediately. Countries such as the India have not prohibited white asbestos, stating that there is no scientific evidence that it is dangerous. It's absolute gibberish. White asbestos is also very harmful and all countries should follow the example of the Sweden and prohibit all types of asbestos mining, manufacturing and use. Then only the number of mesothelioma cases reduce in the future. The world will be a better place to live, in the future.

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The Cause of Mesothelioma

In the US, it is assumed that asbestos exposure is the major reason for noxious mesothelioma. The connection between asbestos and mesothelioma is so robust, that many consider mesothelioma a "signal tumor" meaning, it can be thought that the patient has received exposure to asbestos during their life. There are 4 major theories as to exactly how exposure to asbestos causes mesothelioma.

One such concept is that asbestos causes irritation and inflammation of mesothelial cells. This irritation can lead to irreversible scarring, cellular damage, and ultimately cancer. Another theory is that asbestos fibers disrupt the ordinary function of cellular structures that perform cellular division, which causes cellular changes that can lead to cancer. The third theory is that asbestos causes the production of oxidizing compounds which damage DNA with the end result being mutated cells that become cancerous. Lastly, the presence of asbestos has been proved to produce oncoproteins, which can cause mesothelial cells to ignore standard cellular division, leading to the development of cancer. The common thread to these 4 ideas is that asbestos causes cells to begin dividing unmanageably, ignoring their standard division cycles. The final result is cellular damage.

There are specific industries whose workers are at a ( much ) greater likelihood of mesothelioma than the population-at-large. Usually these are males above the age of 40 who have inhaled asbestos in their career. These industries include: manufacturing, shipyards, miners, military, engineers, pipe fitters, steel employees, auto engineers, and construction employees.

Unfortunately, the length of exposure required to develop asbestos is minimal, and it takes many years for the disease to surface. Studies have proved that as small as 2 to 3 months of exposure to asbestos can end up in mesothelioma 30 to 40 years down the road. The disease has also been found in family members of people who had roles that exposed them to asbestos on an everyday basis. These individuals have only secondary asbestos exposure,eg a spouse washing the clothes of her technician man.

There was significant research regarding whether or not smoking has an impact on the likelihood of developing mesothelioma. While smoking tobacco will not cause mesothelioma, smoking in conjunction with asbestos exposure significantly increases the chances of developing the illness.

In addition, mesothelioma has surfaced in some folks who were exposed to radiation in healing sessions which used thorium dioxide. Zeolite, a mineral found in the soil in certain countries such as Turkey, in addition has been linked to mesothelioma. In addition, Simian Virus 40 ( SV40 ), a product of rhesus monkey kidney cells, has been proven to prompt mesothelioma. SV40 was used to develop a polio vaccine, but it has after that been found out that the vaccine has the potential to cause growths. Prior to this discovery, millions were exposed to SV40 after receiving a contaminated polio vaccine.

Thankfully, the public is terribly mindful of mesothelioma and what causes it so likelihood of exposure is marginal in the modern-day society. However, we are going to continue to see the consequences of the utilising of asbestos for several years to come thanks to the time period it takes before symptoms appear.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Mesothelioma Lawyers and Mesothelioma Compensation

As a result of asbestos manufacturers' negligence thousands of innocent people die every year. If you are one of the victims or someone you know you should contact a mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible.

Nobody can help you in your suffering but you do have your legal rights and you should go after those who have hurt you. Engaging a lawyer with broad familiarity and knowledge of asbestos claims can assist you in obtaining reimbursement from those responsible.

In 1920s asbestos companies knew that their product not only endanger human health, but also that it was the foundation to claim the lives of those exposed to the material.

As early as 1930s and '40s, medical facts had undoubtedly connected asbestos exposure to lung illnesses and fatal asbestos cancers. In spite of the widespread warnings of these dangers, asbestos companies in place of selecting to make use of optional material (many were available at the time), they decided to choose soaring income over the protection of human life.

As you can see these people because of their unethical behaviour deserved to be held accountable for the suffering of the innocent people dealing with deadly diseases. You have legal options for the reason of these criminal activities and are allowed to search for compensation through the court system.

Your legal rights let you file a claim against the company liable for your asbestos contact this will not only convey justice to the dishonest asbestos industry, it will also give you the chance to be rewarded for the costs, as well as hurt and misery, associated with asbestos-induced sicknesses. Below you can find some of the expenses for which you can expect compensation:

Lost wages

Medical bills

Funeral expenses

Expenses not covered by health insurance

Group support for you and your your family

Travel expenses relating to medical treatments

Lawyers specialising in mesothelioma related cases can re-evaluate even more expenses that could be covered under your lawsuit, since each case is different. You should take care of all medical and financial paperwork related to your asbestos-induced illnesses for this reason.

After providing all the necessary papers and responding questions about your state and how you may have been exposed to asbestos, you will not be needed with the other phase of the course of action. It would be unwise to force you to deal with the details of the case or attending trial. For this reason, mesothelioma lawyers -- handle all the details of the procedure.

You may be eligible to file the legal claim in one of the two form of lawsuit:

A wrongful death suit - in case if a family member has passed away from an asbestos-related disease. A personal injury claim - must be filed by the person suffering from asbestos-induced illnesses. The lawsuit may be filed when an asbestos-related sickness has been detected, even if your first contact with asbestos were many years or even decades ago. In this case the law identifies that asbestos can have an effect on the body in excess of many years. But keep in mind that you must file suit within the state's mandated time period. This is very important because if you wait, you may lose your rights against the company accountable for your asbestos exposure.

Another very important fact is that not only employees of companies who used asbestos are the persons who have rights against asbestos companies. While most of cases are between employers and employees, other groups have rights too.

For example, asbestos easily sticks to cloths and hair making it a quite simple to bring it home after having been in contact with the material. In this case if you have developed an asbestos-related sickness for the reason that a spouse or family member worked using asbestos, you may also have a case.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Information you should know about the form of Rare Cancer mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer where malignant cells are found in the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a protective sac that covers most of the internal organs of the body. The most common way people develop is through inhalation of particles of asbestos to employment when possible. Asbestos mesothelioma is something you certainly need to beware of if you think it is a possibility to your work.

The disease occurs when the cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control or order. The cells can then invade and damage tissues and organs. These cancer cells can also spread the original place in other parts of the body which is a huge problem with this form of cancer. It usually begins as the pleura mesothelioma since that is where it came from.

Mesothelioma has certainly increased over the past 20 years, but fortunately, there is still a fairly rare form of cancer. On average, there are about 2,000 new cases diagnosed each year in the United States. You will find that this is more common in men than women, and certainly the risk increases with age.

Although there are various symptoms of mesothelioma to know, they do not occur until 30 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. This can make it more difficult to stop until it was too late. However, some of the symptoms to watch for include shortness of breath and pain in the chest due to accumulation of fluid in the pleura.

Other symptoms to be aware for Peritoneal Mesothelioma include loss of weight and abdominal pain and swelling. The reason is because of an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. You can also be wary of bowel obstruction, blood clotting and fever.

After learning this information of mesothelioma, you are probably curious as to the methods of treatment. There are a few methods for treatment of mesothelioma different ways that you can continue. It depends really on localization of cancer, stage of disease and age and General State of health of the patient.

One of the most common methods is a surgical procedure. The doctor will remove the part of the wall of the chest or abdomen and some of the tissue around it. In some cases, the diaphragm can be deleted as well.

Another option is radiation therapy in which the use of high energy x-ray is used to kill cancer cells while reducing the tumors. This will affect only the cancer cells that are in the treated area.

The last form of treatment of mesothelioma is chemotherapy. It is the use of anti-cancer drugs that kill cancer cells throughout the body. Most of the drugs which are used for this purpose are given by injection into a vein, but there is ongoing research on the effectiveness, it would be putting chemotherapy directly in the chest or abdomen.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How Asbestos And Cancer Are Related

Asbestos, a much used construction material for its heat and fire resistant properties is now looked at with shame because it is the main cause for cancer called as mesothelioma. Exposure to asbestos dust particles and fibers has caused cancer in millions of people in the past century. Asbestos cancer is exclusively caused due to exposure to asbestos. It is because of this reason that asbestos is banned for usage in construction and mining industry in various countries.

It has been found that asbestos causes mesothelioma cancer which is an aggressive type of cancer that affects mesothelial cells in the body. These mesothelial cells spread across the entire body forming a protective layer for organs and body cavities. Asbestos fibers, dust and particles rupture these mesothelial cells which aggravates to cancer. The exact way asbestos affects mesothelial cells resulting in asbestos cancer is still unknown, but the researches have uncovered dangers caused by asbestos.

Irritation and inflammation of mesothelial cells results in irreversible damage and scarring. This eventually leads to asbestos cancer. Asbestos fibers affect normal cell division resulting in cellular changes. Moreover, these fibers encourage growth of cancer causing free radicals in the body. These free radicals affect DNA resulting in abnormal cell mutation. Asbestos also causes over production of oncoproteins which overrule normal cellular division restrains.

Types Of Mesothelioma

As mesothelial cells are spread across all body organs, cancer is categorized based on where cancer cells are found. Pleural mesothelioma is the most widespread asbestos cancer affecting pleura layer of the lungs. About 75% of mesothelioma patients suffer from pleural mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is also found in the abdominal region and it is named as peritoneal mesothelioma. Abdominal cavity and abdominal organs are affected by this kind of asbestos cancer.

Heart is also affected by asbestos particles and it results in pericardial mesothelioma which affects membrane surrounding the heart. A rare form of mesothelioma is found in lining protecting testicles. It is called as testicular mesothelioma.

Presence of asbestos fibers in the body can affect any organ. Gastrointestinal cancer and colorectal cancer is also found to be caused due to asbestos exposure. This cancer is also found in several patients in kidney, esophagus, throat and gallbladder. Breast cancer, prostrate cancer and leukemia are also caused by asbestos exposure. It has been found that asbestos affects ovarian lining resulting in ovarian cancer.

Diagnosis Of Asbestos Cancer

Mesothelioma, commonly called as cancer doesn't show symptoms until later stage. The disease has a long latency period and more than one diagnostic test is conducted to confirm cancer. X rays, CT and MRT scans and biopsy tests are conducted to diagnose cancerous growth.

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Asbestos and Lung Cancer - What's the Connection?

The connection between lung cancer and asbestos is well recognized these days. But, this wasn't always so. For a lot of years, asbestos was believed to be a mineral phenomenon. It's a first-rate insulator, and this used to be one of its main applications. Asbestos was additionally integrated into a broad variety of manufactured products.

As long ago as the last part of the nineteenth century, suspicions existed that asbestos exposure could cause serious health problems. It's believed that the parties involved in encouraging asbestos use acted to bring into disrepute this information.

Not later than 1931, the British government had decided that asbestos was probably dangerous to the body and took action to guarantee the safety of people who handled asbestos. Then the US government carried out comparable measures in the 1970s.

Regrettably, by then, thousands of individuals had their lives gravely distressed by asbestos linked lung cancer along with additional health problems. Asbestos was extensively utilized in homes, factories, and other places.

Asbestos creates problems such as lung cancer, scarring in the lungs, pleural plaques and asbestosis. Additionally, it produces an aggressive, deadly form of cancer called mesothelioma.

Not like normal lung cancer that has an effect on the tissues of the lung itself, mesothelioma involves the lining surrounding the lungs termed the pleura. This form of cancer occurs nearly only because of asbestos contact.

Even brief contact with asbestos may produce mesothelioma. Moreover, this cancer can become evident a number of decades following the asbestos exposure.

Like with the majority of lung-related cancers, smoking significantly raises the likelihood of getting mesothelioma. A number of studies point out that a smoker who has been in contact with asbestos has fifty to ninety times the odds of getting mesothelioma and additional lung cancers forms, as contrasted with a non-smoker with comparable asbestos contact. Non-smokers who have been in contact with asbestos have around five times higher probability of getting mesothelioma in contrast to individuals who weren't ever in contact with asbestos.

You ought to have frequent screenings to discover any irregularities in the lung if you were exposed to asbestos either in your place of work or somewhere else. This must be repeated since lung cancer can become evident as late as fifty years following the asbestos exposure. The best chance for survival of lung cancer is early diagnosis.

Diagnostic techniques for discovering asbestos linked lung cancers consist of examining a patient's medical history in addition to doing MRI scans, chest x-rays, tissue sampling and biopsy, and CAT scans. The expectations for folks diagnosed with mesothelioma (as well as other forms of lung cancers) is normally not hopeful. In a number of cases, the life expectancy for somebody diagnosed with mesothelioma might be as small as two to three months. Multi treatment techniques utilized in a number of clinical trials have significantly raised life expectancy. Therapy for mesothelioma frequently blends radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. Surgery could be ruled out since the cancer has been diagnosed at a late stage in many cases. There are some newer chemotherapy therapies existing that seem hopeful.

Alimta was the first drug designed specially to treat mesothelioma. It was approved by the FDA in 2004. While Alimta is given together with Cisplatin, (also a drug used to treat cancers), the findings indicated it could raise a patients' life expectancy. Intensive research is still going on to come up with a cure for these destructive asbestos associated cancers ,and the hard work could in time create a dependable cure.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Types of mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare type of lung cancer. The main cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos fibers. There is a long time gap, sometimes even up to 30 years, between exposure to asbestos and the start of the disease. It is also very difficult to diagnosis this disease because the symptoms are very similar to other benign diseases like pneumonia.

Mesothelioma is a disease that affects the mesothelium gold lining that forms a protective layer around the abdomen, lungs, heart and some few other parts of the body. The mesothelium cells divide rapidly during this disease. These cells also have longer life spans and overgrow. This abnormal development of mesothelium cells is caused due to exposure to asbestos fibers. People who have worked in asbestos industries or lived around asbestos industries and their families are more prone to get this disease. After sometime, this may even affect the other parts of the body.

There are three main types of mesothelioma. It is called as pleural when it affects the lungs, peritoneal when it affects the abdomen and pericardial when it affects the heart. Around 75% of mesothelioma cases are pleural and 20% are peritoneal pericardial or. There are also some other rare types of mesothelioma that affect the remaining 5%. All these statistics pertain only to the documented cases. There are thousands of cases that go undocumented or undiagnosed all around the world.

Pleural Mesothelioma:

Among the various types of cancer, mesothelioma accounts for only a small percentage. However, among the various types of mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma accounts for nearly three-fourth of the documented cases. In pleural mesothelioma, fluid gets built up between the chest and the mesothelium lining.


The symptoms of this disease include panting, shortness of breath, fever, loss of weight, coughing up blood and breathing difficulties. Patients of pleural mesothelioma face acute chest pain. Since the symptoms of this disease are similar to pneumonia, it is often confused with this disease. The diagnosis is also difficult. There is no known cure for pleural mesothelioma. There are two types of pleural mesothelioma - cancerous and non-cancerous. When it is cancerous, it is called as a malignant form and when it is non-cancerous, it is called as a benign form.

The latency period of mesothelioma is around 20 to 50 years. This makes it very difficult for many people to link the disease to asbestos exposure. They might have changed many jobs by this time and may not consider their disease as an occupational type of disease.

Pleural mesothelioma is caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers. These fibers enter the lungs through the nose or mouth and they settle in the lungs. Then, they travel through the tissues. Since they are light and invisible, they become airborne inhalable and easily. When the asbestos fibers settle in the mesothelium lining, the mesothelium start showing abnormal behavior, thereby leading to mesothelioma cells. In this disease, tumors are formed in lungs and mesothelium and this may also spread to other parts of the body too.

Since they are difficult to detect, they might have caused maximum havoc by the time they are detected. Mostly, when mesothelioma is detected, the patients are in the final stages of cancer with only a few months or years left. Sometimes, not even that. Mesothelioma is a terrible killer disease. Proper tests and efforts must be taken by the medical fraternity to detect the disease as soon as possible.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma:

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a very rare disease. Around 10-20% of the documented mesothelioma cases are diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma affects the abdomen of the patient. The mesothelium cells of the abdomen behave abnormally in this disease. This disease is also caused by the oral inhalation of asbestos fibers. The fibers travel through the entire digestive tract and settle in some part of the digestive systems. The mesothelium lining in that hand starts dividing rapidly and the cells also have longer life spans. This causes tumors in the abdomen and this may also spread to other parts of the body. The main symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, fever, chest pain, loss of weight and breaking difficulties. Loose motions or constipation, a swollen stomach and chunks of tissues in the abdominal area are classic signs of peritoneal mesothelioma. The disease is diagnosed in several ways using x-rays, IT scans, MRI, PET, Laparoscopy, Crim, Thoracotomy and so on. The main risk factor for contracting this disease is exposure to asbestos fibers, and asbestos dust. However some of the following factors also increase the risk of contracting this disease:

A family that has a history of cancer i.e. hereditary risk factors. A smoker seems to have a higher chance of contracting the disease as compared to a non-smoker, who has had the same level and amount of exposure to asbestos fibers. Zeolite is a mineral which has properties very similar to asbestos and also seems to be as hazardous as asbestos. Thorium dioxide used in x-rays is also a trigger factor for cancer.
Pericardial mesothelioma:

The most rare form of mesothelioma is the pericardial mesothelioma. It affects the mesothelium linings of the heart. The main symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma are chest pain, breathing difficulties, fever, palpitations, tiredness and cough. Like all other types of mesothelioma, there is no cure for this type also. The only thing that doctors can do is to reduce the pain and discomfort of the symptoms and help the patients have a comfortable and peaceful death.

The pericardial lining of the heart is removed to reduce the symptoms. The heart is the most fragile part of the body. It is covered with an even fragile lining called pericardium. That is why this disease is called as pericardial mesothelioma as it affects the pericardium. The earliest symptoms are tiredness, chest pains, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties and persistent cough. Since these signs are common to other heart problems, it is difficult to diagnosis this disease. Slowly, the heart lining starts thickening and fluids start filling the heart. It may also spread to other organs of the body.

In the later stages of pericardial mesothelioma, the patient finds it very difficult to consume any food or liquids. The lungs stop functioning gradually and the obstruction in internecine becomes more prominent. The heart condition v and the patient may be affected by a stroke or heart attack. Death becomes the solution and salvation that the mesothelioma patients crave for. The persons most likely to get this disease are those who face constant exposure to the risk factors like

Shipyard workers Asbestos industries' laborers and miners. Zeolite industries' laborers and miners. Construction site workers. Fire poof materials manufacturers Cement mixers Painters

Not only the above groups of people are having a high chance of contracting the disease but also their families run a risk of contracting this disease. The workers when they return home carry the asbestos dust and asbestos fibers in their clothing and their families may be exposed to the disease. The workers should take the following precautionary measures:

They should wear protective clothing to work. They should change their dresses and wash up before they leave for home. An expert should be hired to detect if there is any asbestos in the residence and nearby environment.

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Monday, November 7, 2011

What Exactly Puts People at Risk for Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a very serious disease. One of the reasons it is so serious is that many people do not know what puts them at risk for mesothelioma. The basic risk of getting mesothelioma has to do with asbestos exposure. Asbestos is very common in many things and therefore it is not very difficult to be exposed to it.

The first cause is exposure to asbestos through one's occupation. This is very common in several different occupations. People who work in shipbuilding trades, asbestos mining and milling, the manufacturing of asbestos products (such as textiles), insulation work in construction and building, and brake repair are at risk. There are also many other occupations that involve asbestos exposure. Men are often associated with higher mesothelioma risk because many of the asbestos-related jobs are often held by men.

Smoking increases the risk for mesothelioma tenfold. Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lungs, and the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke damage the lungs beyond repair. When cigarette smoke is coupled with asbestos, the risks for developing mesothelioma and other lung cancers are increased greatly. Persons who smoke should make every effort to stop smoking in order to protect their lungs.

Environmental exposure to asbestos can also increase the risk of developing mesothelioma. Persons who live in neighborhoods near asbestos milling or manufacturing plants should be aware of the potential risk factors. Vermiculite, which is a non-asbestos mineral silicate, was mined at Libby Montana. It was later found to be heavily contaminated with asbestos. Many children played in the vermiculite slag heaps that were located throughout the town. These children later developed mesothelioma. There are 28 sites throughout the USA that received Libby mine vermiculite that have been selected for a community-wide evaluation of asbestos disease.

Another risk of developing mesothelioma is using products that contain asbestos. Asbestos is in a very large number of consumer products, including many that are used today. Products such as electric blankets, heat guns, curling irons, molding clays, deep fryers, slow cookers, frying pans, dry wall patch, fake fireplace logs, dry wall patch, and pipe wrap insulation could put one at risk. There are also many other products that contain, or have had exposure to, asbestos. There are many asbestos-containing products that have been banned by the Consumer Products Safety Commission. Unfortunately, there are still products that contain asbestos. It is a good idea to avoid using these products if possible, in order to reduce the risk of mesothelioma.

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Mesothelioma Cancer Info

The endothelial lining of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels spaces and serous membranes sometimes give rise to tumors that may be malignant.

They might result from the pleura (Pleural mesothelioma) and, rarely, the peritoneum (Peritoneal Mesothelioma) or the pericardium (pericardial mesothelioma). Inhalation of asbestos can cause their development, blue asbestos fibres have particularly been demonstrated a cause this.

Pleural mesothelioma
The pleura is often secondarily affected by cancer of the breast or lung cancer, Pleural mesothelioma is a malignant tumor that should be mentioned the serious disease nature and also because of the financial compensation the victim has the right to in most cases.

Pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive tumor that is related to exposure to asbestos, and it is a notifiable disease because people may be eligible for compensation.

Signs and symptoms of Pleural mesothelioma
-Unilateral (one sided) a pleural effusion (fluid in the pleura)
-Shortness of breath
-Chest pain
-In advanced weight loss
-Fever and sweating at night in case advanced

-CT scan shows a pleural thickening with lung compression.
Thorascopic - biopsy (surgeon made a hole in the chest to get to the pleura sample and takes for laboratory tests)

Treatment of Pleural mesothelioma
The disease follows a progressive course of more than 12 to 24 months. Cure is rarely possible because the tumor does not respond to radiation therapy or chemotherapy and palliative care is difficult, rescue and support measures are better prepared at an early stage mainly comes if possible, extend the life of the victim. New forms of treatment have started to emerge, but the results have not been well proven.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Asbestos, Asbestos Exposure, and Mesothelioma - An Overview

The literal meaning of the word "asbestos" comes from the Greek, and it means "inextinguishable." Rightfully named, this long fibrous mineral has been widely used for thousands of years because of its fireproof qualities. In fact, the ancient Greeks used asbestos for the funeral dress of kings that were to be cremated. Both the Greeks and Romans used asbestos-fiber napkins, which they would clean by throwing into the fire.

In modern times, asbestos has been used for much the same reason. In addition, the mineral is highly resistant to heat, salt water, chemical corrosion and other biological processes. It is lightweight, extremely strong, and can be woven into cloth or mixed with building materials such as concrete. Asbestos has been used for insulation purposes in a variety of items and structures, including ceilings, walls, toasters, and hairdryers. It was widely used on ships and in military applications, and at one point its use was even mandated by the U.S. military.

Unfortunately, it is now known that exposure to asbestos carries with it enormous health risks. Pleural plaques, asbestosis, and mesothelioma cancer are some of the diseases that can be caused by asbestos, especially when the exposure is prolonged and/or repeated. Although the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder observed a "sickness of the lungs" in the slaves who worked with the fiber, and the first case of asbestosis was noted as far back as the 1920s in England, the material was used in industrial applications, and its adverse effects have been ignored or even deliberately covered up, for decades.

Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos, once disturbed, releases tiny particles which are typically unseen by the human eye into the air. Once inhaled, these particles become lodged in the mesothelium, which is the outer lining protecting the heart, lungs and stomach. The fibers cannot be breathed out or otherwise removed from the body once they are lodged in the body's soft tissues.

Exposure to dangerous asbestos fibers has caused the development of asbestos cancer in a variety of different employees and occupations over the years. Exposure has occurred through the mining of asbestos from the earth, construction or demolition of asbestos-containing building materials, and even by washing clothing that has been contaminated by asbestos. Various asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma, have been diagnosed in people from all walks of life.

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer whose only known cause is asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma often has a long latency period, and can remain undiagnosed for years or even decades. By the time it is diagnosed, the cancer has usually reached an advanced stage, which makes determining how to undergo mesothelioma treatment very difficult. This means that we do not yet understand the full impact of the widespread usage of asbestos in the early decades of the 20th Century, since so many people are just now being diagnosed.

Mesothelioma symptoms are generally non-specific and resemble those of common sicknesses, such as viral pneumonia, heart disease, flu and bronchitis. These symptoms include dyspnea (shortness of breath) or difficulty breathing, coughing and/or coughing up of blood, chest or abdominal pain caused by excessive fluid, weight loss, husky voice, difficulty swallowing, fever, anemia, bowel obstruction, inability to sleep, and loss of appetite. Because of the resemblance to many other diseases, mesothelioma is often misdiagnosed, or not accurately diagnosed until it has reached advanced stages. As with all cancers, mesothelioma can be more effectively treated when it is diagnosed early, but due to its long latency period and its symptoms' similarities to other health issues, it rarely is.

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Basics of Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a very aggressive cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Approximately 20 percent of cancers caused by asbestos are peritoneal mesothelioma. This form of the cancer manifests itself in the mesothelial cells of the abdomen when the asbestos fibers become embedded in the space between the cells. It can take as many as 20 to 50 years for the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma to appear. Over these years, the asbestos fibers irritate the parietal layer that covers the stomach cavity and they begin to produce cancer cells. Fluid builds up and tumors eventually form.

What are the Symptoms?

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are swelling and pain in the abdomen, diarrhea or constipation, unexplained weight loss, nausea and vomiting, and the appearance of lumps under the skin in the abdominal area.

How is It Treated?

Since this type of cancer is usually diagnosed very late in its development, a positive mesothelioma prognosis is not likely, and treatment options are limited. Chemotherapy and radiation are typically used to threat the cancer, along with medication to provide pain relief. For many patients, surgery is not an option because at the point of discovery, this form of asbestos cancer has already spread too far and the patient's poor health may make him or her too weak to recover from the trauma of surgery.

How Does Exposure to Asbestos Cause Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

It is believed that there are two ways that asbestos can get into your system.

1. They can be ingested and then and consequently move through the digestive system into the peritoneal lining.
2. Asbestos fibers can be inhaled and travel to the peritoneal lining through the fluids in the lymphatic system.

Once these fibers get into the system, they become trapped and the body has no way to drive them out.

How Does Someone Get Exposed to Asbestos?

There is no test or conclusive way to find out if you have been exposed to asbestos. The only thing you can do is to review your life's history and current living conditions to know if you've ever been at risk for exposure to asbestos. Here are a few of the risk factors.
Living in an area where asbestos occurs naturally is one factor. Small particles of asbestos can get airborne, making it easy for you to inhale them. You can contact the health department where you live to find out if asbestos is in the local environment.  There used to be many industries that used asbestos regularly. If you ever worked in such a facility, you could have been exposed to it. It is also possible that you may have carried the asbestos fibers home to your family.  Before 1978, a lot of electrical wiring was insulated with asbestos. Asbestos was also woven into clothes and gloves that were worn by those regularly exposed to heat and fire.  Buildings and homes built before 1978 were frequently constructed using material with asbestos in them. Since asbestos is a good insulator, it was often used in floor and ceiling tiles, along with shingles and roofing paper. If any of these things were ever damaged, asbestos fibers could have become airborne.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Causes of Mesothelioma - An Insight Into the Likely Causes of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a very aggressive and rare cancer that is difficult to diagnose and that is also highly resistant to treatment. Around 2000-3000 new cases of malignant mesothelioma are seen every year in the US, and these figures are expected to rise over the next decade.

What causes mesothelioma?

There is extensive and undeniable medical evidence that mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. There is no other known cause.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material that was widely used in industrial, commercial and domestic products throughout the 20th century. It was particularly popular because of its durability, fire resistant and insulating properties. It was used in several thousand different manufactured asbestos products.
These included construction materials, household appliances and brake linings, the use was so widespread that millions of Americans were unknowingly exposed to the toxic material, which now leads to the development of mesothelioma amongst million of Americans.

Most of the companies that manufactured these asbestos contaminated products were aware of the danger of asbestos, but still preferred to put millions at risk to make huge profits.

However today, as more cases are being diagnosed and they are seeking for legal compensation, these companies are being ordered to pay compensations to patients affected by asbestos.

How does asbestos cause mesothelioma?

Internal organs and body cavities are lined by a thin tissue called mesothelium. This lining lines the lungs {pleura} and it also lines the heart sac {pericardium} and abdominal cavity {peritoneum}.

This mesothelial tissue offers protection and support for the internal organs and body cavities. It also provides lubrication to help organ function properly and be in good health.

Mesothelioma affects this lining of various organs and body cavities, mostly the pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum. Occasionally and rarely, the cancer may affect the lining of the testicles, called the tunica vaginalis.

Although the actual mechanism by which asbestos causes cancer is not known, there are about four different theories to explain this:

1-Asbestos causes irritation and inflammation of mesothelial cells, which results in irreversible scarring, cellular damage, and eventually cancer

2- Asbestos fibers enter cells and disrupt the function of cellular structures that are essential for normal cell division, causing cellular changes that lead to cancer.

3-Asbestos causes the production of free radicals. These molecules damage DNA, and cause cells to mutate and become cancerous.

4-The presence of asbestos causes cells to produce oncoproteins. These molecules cause mesothelial cells to ignore normal cellular division restraints, and this can lead to the development of cancer.

The common underlying pathophysiology in each of these theories is that asbestos cause's cellular damage mainly by causing the cells of the mesothelium to divide and multiply without restraint causing the formation of tumors. This uncontrolled division causes impairment of the normal function of the body organs and tissues.

Does Mesothelioma have other causes?
Although research and medical evidence has not been able to directly prove any other cause of mesothelioma other than asbestos exposure, it is known however that smoking can aggravate a less serious asbestos related disease, such as asbestosis, and prompt formation of tumors and the onset of the cancer.

Also asbestos exposure and smoking have a synergistic effect that increases the risk of developing lung cancer by as much as 84 times or more. Thus people that have been exposed to asbestos for a prolonged period of time are advised to not to smoke.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mesothelioma Litigation - Are You A Victim Of Asbestos Exposure And Don't Even Know It?

Mesothelioma is a unique and a rare form of cancer. It is commonly referred to as malignant mesothelioma. It usually develops from the mesothelium, which is a protective lining covering most of the internal body organs. These malignant cells believed to cause Mesothelioma are abundantly found in the sac and linings of the chest. This is referred to as the pleural mesothelioma because it occurs in the chest area. It may also occur in the abdomen also referred to as the peritoneum. This version of mesothelioma is much less common and is known as the peritoneal mesothelioma.

The latter cells may also affect the pericardium leading to the most rare form of mesothelioma known as the pericardial mesothelioma. In this case, the sac surrounding the heart is usually affected.

Mesothelioma cells are usually of two types namely epithelial and sarcomatoid. Both types of cells can be present in the body but this is usually not common. Sarcomatoid cells are rare and compute to only 15% of the cases usually reported. It usually occurs as a result of poor prognosis.

What causes mesothelioma has been a puzzle but this has been unlocked by technological innovations and continued research. Rarely does mesothelioma originate from benign and non-malignant cells.

Intake of asbestos through breathing has been the main cause of mesothelioma. A high percentage of people with malignant mesothelioma have been involved in jobs where they inhaled asbestos. Exposure to the dust and fiber originating from asbestos has been highly associated with the disease. This is common with workers over the age of 40 years who have had a long duration of exposure to the latter conditions.

Asbestos has been used as a common insulator although its use has been on the decline after these revelations. Men have been the mainly affected since they work in hard labor and this is synonymous with industrial and chemical remnants having asbestos. Many people in their household environments have also suffered from the exposure of asbestos within their localities. This is usually dangerous since most or these people affected have no knowledge of this happening.

Exposure to asbestos can also be through washing the clothes in most cases of a family member who has worked with asbestos. This puts the one at the risk of catching or developing mesothelioma. Inhaling the constituents of asbestos mentioned above leads to some of them reaching the air sacs hence penetrating into the pleural lining. Environmental exposure may lead to swallowing of the fibres. If swallowed, they reach the abdominal cavity contributing to peritoneal mesothelioma. These fibers and dust harm the mesothelial cells eventually causing mesothelioma.

Contrary to the belief that most people have that smoking may induce the latter disease, it has been noted that there is virtually no association between mesothelioma and smoking. However, smoking as a habit has the effect of increasing greatly the risk of other asbestos induced cancers. Zeolite, a chemical related to asbestos has also been seen to cause incidences of mesothelioma upon exposure to body cells. Lastly, exposure to specific types of radiation has also been known to cause mesothelioma.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Arizona Mesothelioma Cases and Asbestos Exposure Risk Factors

Arizona is home to more than a hundred naturally occurring asbestos sites. The majority of these are of chrysotile asbestos, one of the forms of asbestos fibers proven to be extremely hazardous to health.

Mining in Arizona ended in the early 1980's, at about the same time that asbestos was banned throughout the entire country. However, despite the closing of these mines, cases of Arizona mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases have continued to be reported.

From 1980 until 2000, around 200 cases of asbestosis and 473 cases of mesothelioma were reported. Arizona mesothelioma cases have continued to be reported with numbers escalating each year. This can be explained by the fact that this type of disease takes decades to manifest (usually around 20 to 40 years after initial exposure.) There have been no statistics of Arizona mesothelioma cases before the 1980's when asbestos mining was liberally done throughout the state. It is believed that more and more mesothelioma and asbestosis cases will come out in the near future.

Today, there continues to be locations and occupations in the state of Arizona that are at high risk for asbestos exposure. In the areas of Tucson, Yuma and Scottsdale, there are seven large power plants and three copper smelting industries that utilized large amounts of asbestos before its use was banned. There are also numerous mills, construction sites and factories that once used asbestos and whose facilities have since undergone renovations and demolitions - a major culprit in the releasing of asbestos fibers.

What are the legal rights of an Arizona mesothelioma victim? Generally, the state provides a 2-year statute of limitations when filing a case against an employer. However, Arizona mesothelioma and other asbestos exposure related victims are not restricted to the state courts. A multi-billion dollar trust fund has been established by former asbestos companies for the purpose of compensating those suffering from these diseases. Today, many Arizona mesothelioma claims are filed through the federal court.

If you were possibly exposed to asbestos in the past and are currently experiencing chest pains, breathing difficulties, and other related respiratory problems, it is best that you talk to your physician immediately. With the help of a series of tests, your doctor can confirm whether you have contracted any asbestos exposure-related disease. The earlier you get diagnosed, the better chances and options you will have for cancer treatment.

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The Hard Facts About Mesothelioma

While asbestos-related mesothelioma may not be as wide-spread as lung or breast cancer, this debilitating disease has affected thousands of Americans throughout the last several decades. Caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers, mesothelioma - in its malignant form - is a fast-spreading, deadly cancer that has been found in individuals all around the world who've been exposed to this deadly mineral, used haphazardly for years in many different industries, including shipbuilding and construction.

Technically, in mesothelioma, the cells of the mesothelium - the two-layered membrane that covers the internal organs of the body - become cancerous and grow out of control. This disease is most often of the pleural variety, affecting the membrane that covers the lungs, but can in rare cases be found in the pericardium, the layer that covers the heart, or the peritoneum, that which covers the abdomen.

Who's Been Exposed?

The material known as asbestos, which is naturally mined from the earth, was used in a variety of industries for decades. Most mesothelioma cases are a result of workplace exposure though there are a number of cases of mesothelioma caused by second-hand exposure.

Those at highest risk worked in such industries as shipyards, power plants, steel mills, aluminum plants, automotive service centers, and construction companies, where the use of asbestos was most rampant because of its excellent insulating properties. Those who worked in vermiculite or talc mines were also exposed to airborne asbestos fibers.

Though the dangers of breathing airborne asbestos fibers have long been known, many companies did virtually nothing to protect their employees from contracting asbestosis, other lung diseases, or the asbestos-related cancer known as mesothelioma.

Though the dangers of asbestos were made public in the mid 1970s and many industries stopped using the material, because the symptoms of meso can take 20-40 years or more to surface, many sufferers have only recently been diagnosed.

Diagnosis and Treatment

If you know that you've been exposed to asbestos at the workplace or elsewhere, while it's not advisable to panic, it is smart to be on the lookout for symptoms of mesothelioma so that it can be diagnosed as soon as possible. Early diagnosis prompts more treatment options. Symptoms of mesothelioma might include:

o Coughing

o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

o Difficulty Sleeping

o Weight Loss

o Pain in chest and abdomen

o Fluid in the chest

Because these symptoms are often indicative of a number of other diseases, diagnosis can be difficult and often occurs during a routine exam or during a doctor's visit meant to address a different concern. CT scans, MRIs, blood work, and biopsies will be used to make any final determinations.

Treatment of asbestos cancer can be tricky and is usually determined by a number of factors. While surgery may be a viable option in treating many cancers, the late diagnosis of most meso patients and the fast spread of the disease often means that surgery is not a useful treatment. Usually, patients with pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial malignant mesothelioma are treated with radiation or chemotherapy, depending on the stage of the disease, the patient's age, and his/her overall health. Once a patient has reached Stage IV malignant mesothelioma, most doctors will recommend only palliative treatment, designed to keep the patient comfortable and pain-free.

A medical team, including an oncologist, experienced in the particulars of mesothelioma can best determine what treatment options are must for each individual cancer victim.

Though your doctor or nurse may not suggest them, alternative therapies are being sought out more and more by meso patients looking for pain relief or seeking other palliative measures. Many cancer sufferers consider acupuncture, hypnosis, meditation, and massage to help improve their quality of life.

Dealing with the Diagnosis

While you may have recognized that you were at risk for contracting asbestos-related cancer, confirming the actual diagnosis will certainly be devastating. Be sure to gather as much information about the disease as possible and don't hesitate to ask questions.

Those who contract the disease will face a myriad of feelings, from disbelief and depression to fear and anger. While turning to family members for support is a good idea, many patients require assistance in the form of professional counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, or clergy persons. Addressing the mental difficulties caused by the disease can be just as important as treating physical symptoms.

Who's Responsible?

Because asbestos exposure is the only known cause of malignant mesothelioma, chances are that most meso victims will have a pretty solid idea of where they contracted the disease. For many years, however, employees hid the dangers of working with asbestos, willingly exposing employees to this hazardous substance on a daily basis. In turn, those who worked with asbestos may have unknowingly exposed their family members as well, bringing white asbestos dust into their homes on their clothes or bodies.

The asbestos cover-up affected many who could have been spared this horrifying disease if only employers would have admitted to the dangers. More and more meso sufferers have been filing lawsuits against asbestos manufacturers and workplaces whose unsafe products or work areas contributed to their disease. Asbestos-related cancer victims have the legal right to collect funds to cover medical bills, loss of income, and loss of quality of life. Many of those diagnosed have been able to collect funds to help with expenses. Mesothelioma victims should take time to find an attorney who's well-versed as to the ins and outs of the disease and is abreast of the legal options available to those whose life is threatened by asbestos-related cancer.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Finding a Law Firm in Dallas for Your Mesothelioma Case

If you are living in Texas, particularly in Dallas, you would never find a hard time finding a good law firm that would represent you in your complaint against asbestos makers, which should be blamed for the onset of mesothelioma.

Through the years, the number of patients reported to have acquired mesothelioma is constantly rising. In the United States alone, it is estimated that there are about 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of the disease annually. Dallas is among those cities where there is a significant number of complaints linked to the ailment.

In case you are wondering why there is a need for a legal assistance for mesothelioma patients, be reminded that the disease is found to be caused only by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a construction material that had been widely used in the past for insulation in houses, buildings and other facilities.

The first lawsuit filed against an asbestos company for complaints linked to mesothelioma was in 1929. as early as 1898, medical researchers had already ruled that the ailment could only be caused by asbestos inhalation or intake. The 1929 case was dismissed after all parties agreed to a settlement.

It was long until the next case was filed. In the 1960s, asbestos claims were filed in Western Australia against a local asbestos manufacturer. The complaint stated that the use and manufacturing of asbestos caused workers and people living nearby the facilities to contract mesothelioma.

Since then, there have been different asbestos claims that are being filed worldwide, where there are known exposure of people to asbestos. To further understand the complexity of this court battle, it would be better if you would take a crash course on the basic information about mesothelioma.

What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the mesothelial tissue or the sac lining in the chest. Researches have found that asbestos when exposed to air disintegrates into very miniscule fibers that can be inhaled without people being aware of it.

Once the asbestos fibers reach the lungs, they enter the mesothelila tissues and accumulate. The process would not create significant adverse results overnight. Experts estimate that it should take about two months of exposure before a person accumulates sufficient asbestos fibers to develop a tumor that would eventually lead to mesothelioma.

Another striking fact about mesothelioma is that it does not occur in an asbestos-exposed person until about 20 to 30 years after the exposure. That is the main reason why on the average, mesothelioma patients are aged about 50 years to 70 years.

Thus, workers exposed to asbestos would not abruptly feel and bear the effects of exposure to the substance until a significant amount of time. That way, in the past, people diagnosed with mesothelioma had not readily linked the disease to their possible exposure to asbestos.

Because the industrial revolution in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s made much use of asbestos in the construction of industry facilities, experts estimate that the victims are starting to feel the effects of exposure only recently. To be able to seek justice and proper compensation for the contractual of the disease, that is the reason why many victims are aiming to file for legal complaints against the factories and construction firms that made use of the substance.

How to find a law firm for mesothelioma in Dallas

As mentioned before, there are numerous law firms in Dallas that are handling mesothelioma and asbestos claims cases. Through the years, many construction and industrial firms have been legally battling it out to defend themselves against hundreds and thousands of individual and class-action suits.

However, experts concede that many law firms in Dallas are not too familiar and reliable to entrust handling of such cases. If you have mesothelioma and you are mullin on filing a complaint in the city or in the state, it would be advisable if you would first spend considerable amount of time and effort finding a good law firm that could truly defend and represent you.

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10 Important Facts About Mesothelioma and Asbestos

Exposure to Asbestos is the most common cause of mesothelioma. Almost all cases of mesothelioma are caused by asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a natural mineral which is mined from rock found in many countries around the world. It is made up of tiny fibres as strong as steel, woven like cotton and highly resistant to heat, chemicals and electricity.

The first definite link between mesothelioma and asbestos was made in the 1960s. At that time, asbestos was very widely used in the manufacture of insulation materials, such as insulation board and building materials, including cement.

When asbestos is damaged or disturbed, it releases tiny fibres, almost invisible to the naked eye, which, when airborne can breathed in, and cannot be exhaled or coughed out. Once the fibres are in the lungs, the body's defense mechanism tries to break them down and remove them, which leads to inflammation in the lung's tissue.

Asbestos fibres can also penetrate through the lung tissue to settle in the pleura (the membrane around the lung). Over many years they can cause asbestosis, mesothelioma or other lung diseases to develop. Asbestos fibres can also be swallowed, and some of the fibres become lodged in the digestive system. They will then move into the membrane that lines the abdomen (the peritoneum), where they cause inflammation.

Those individuals most likely to have been exposed to asbestos will include: construction workers, boilermakers, construction workers, demolition workers, electricians, plumbers, shipbuilders etc. Family members of those who worked with asbestos and unwittingly brought asbestos dust home on their clothes, will also be at risk and have also been known to developed mesothelioma.

There are three types of asbestos and these are: blue, brown and white. The blue and brown asbestos types are most commonly linked with mesothelioma, and are now very rarely used. However, although originally, white asbestos was thought not to be dangerous, recent studies have shown that it is also harmful.

Although by 1999 the importation and use of all asbestos was banned, and because mesothelioma develops so slowly, it is estimated that by the year 2015, approximately 3000 people will have been diagnosed with mesothelioma each year. After this time, the number of people who develop mesothelioma will begin to fall annually.

Mesothelioma does not typically develop for many years after the initial exposure to asbestos. Although it can take anything from 10 to 60 years, the average time is around 30 to 40 years after asbestos exposure.

Occasionally, mesothelioma will be diagnosed in people who have never had any history of asbestos exposure. Other causes of the disease are to date not fully understood, but in rare cases mesothelioma has been linked to radiation exposure.

Research has found no evidence that smoking increases an individual's risk of developing mesothelioma. It is understood that exposure to other building materials, for example fibreglass also will not increase the risk. Mesothelioma is not a contagious disease and therefore cannot be passed on to other individuals. Family members are only at risk when in contact with asbestos particles.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Information You Need to Know Today

The rare and often fatal cancer, generally comprised of malignant cancer cells affecting the lungs known as mesothelioma is widely recognized as the result of exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma and asbestos information will enable you to be better spot this cancer before it's too late. Over the years more than 80 percent of all cases of mesothelioma have been linked to asbestos. People who suffer from mesothelioma usually have a complaint of chest pain that sends them to a physician for examinations. During these examinations it is common to discover that many symptoms of mesothelioma have been thought to be caused by other illnesses. Abdominal pain, breathing and congestion problems and even anemia can all be attributed to other causes. This is why mesothelioma and asbestos information is so important to making a correct diagnosis.

In the event that a patient does not have any symptoms of mesothelioma that can be detected, or suspected as the result of physical exam the cancer will keep spreading and worsening. As the cancer progresses through the stages untreated there will be a loss of weight, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, and night sweats. Following is some facts on and the diagnosing of mesothelioma.

Facts about Mesothelioma and Asbestos

Mesothelioma is predominantly found in men over the age of 40 who have worked on jobs where they breathed in asbestos fibers. Additionally, women and men who were exposed to asbestos in a household environment are common victims of mesothelioma. Due to the fact that mesothelioma is associated with asbestos exposure in the workplace many people don't realize that they could have been exposed in a home environment.

In 1983 OSHA instituted major restrictions on the use of asbestos in the United States, since that time the incidence of new mesothelioma cases has remained stable. Other countries such as Europe where no changes have been made continue to see higher counts of mesothelioma cases each year. Exposure to asbestos can cause the initial damage to the lungs and plant the seeds for mesothelioma in as little as a few months. However, mesothelioma doesn't usually show up until decades later. There are people now being diagnosed with mesothelioma who were exposed to asbestos as long ago as the 1940's. Known as asbestos disease mesothelioma has an amazingly long latency period.

Diagnosing Mesothelioma

To diagnose mesothelioma a biopsy is performed to gather pathological information. The biopsy is usually the final step after physical examinations, x-rays, and CT scans. Before the biopsy or in order to perform the biopsy the doctor may use one of the following methods.

• Thoracoscopy is a test where the doctor inserts a thoracoscope into the chest wall through an incision between the ribs to look inside the chest cavity.

• Peritoneoscopy uses a peritoneoscope to view the inside of the abdomen through a small incision.

These exams help the physician have a better idea of how far the damage has spread and how far the cancer has progressed.

Screening is very important for anyone who has been exposed to asbestos, because early detection and treatment is vital in order to stop the effect of mesothelioma and to lengthen the prognosis. Untreated mesothelioma carries a general prognosis of approximately a year. The many different treatment options can improve the quality of life as well as the length of life for a person suffering from mesothelioma. Getting all the mesothelioma and asbestos information could make a difference to you or your family's well being.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

How Exposure in Schools Can Lead to Malignant Mesothelioma

Most people are aware that malignant mesothelioma results from exposure to asbestos, a compound commonly added to drywall and other construction materials before 1980. When they think of asbestos cancer, the first thing that comes to mind is usually the construction workers who handled the compound directly. However, as more and more cases receive mesothelioma treatment, it is becoming increasingly clear that many of the disease victims didn't even work in the construction industry. In fact, many of those diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma were students and teachers exposed at school, long after the construction process was complete.

Students And Teachers Unknowingly Exposed

Before companies announced the significant dangers of asbestos cancer, few contractors thought twice about using the efficient compound in the construction of school buildings. Without the evidence of its detrimental health effects, it was just a benefit: the compound made materials much stronger without a lot of added expense, which meant safer schools with more money left in the budget for books and other educational tools. Because it seemed like such a good idea, schools across the United States included it in various forms.

The teachers and students at these schools had no idea at the time that even very limited exposure to asbestos could cause malignant mesothelioma. They walked past the piles of dust created by workmen installing and repairing asbestos materials without thinking twice. They had no idea that these piles of dust would later set them on a long and painful path to mesothelioma treatment.

The Danger Of Asbestos Exposure Doesn't Stop At School

Unfortunately, asbestos wasn't only found in school buildings. The same hazardous compounds were often found at personal residences, compounding the risk to children and teachers who were already exposed to the deadly substance while at school. In addition, children whose parents worked with asbestos and teachers married to such laborers had further contact with the dangerous fibers. Any exposure to the compound raises the risk of asbestos cancer, and prolonged exposure like that of students and teachers makes malignant mesothelioma an even higher probability.

How Asbestos Cancer Is Formed

When the students and teachers would pass the piles of dust, they would accidentally inhale the asbestos fibers into their lungs. Once there, the fibers would infect the mesothelium, which is the lining outside of the lungs. Occasionally malignant mesothelioma would be found elsewhere in the body, but the tissue surrounding the lungs is by far the most common site of the disease. Tumors caused by malignant mesothelioma would start to grow within the lining, causing the patient to experience extreme pain and discomfort. Mesothelioma treatment is focused mostly on managing this pain.

However, the danger isn't purely from the asbestos cancer tumors themselves. Mesothelioma tends to metastasize very easily, meaning that it spreads throughout the body quickly. Mesothelioma treatment is not effective at stopping this spread, and all too often the disease is not discovered until it is too late for anything to be done. In addition to spreading fast, mesothelioma can easily become deadly lung cancer as well.

Paying For Mesothelioma Treatment

Although mesothelioma treatment can only be mildly effective, it is nonetheless worth it, if for nothing else than to help ease the intense pain caused by the disease. Sometimes it is only a matter of helping a person afflicted with asbestos cancer to be more comfortable, but the cost of treatment can still be considerably high. To assist with paying for treatment, consider looking into legal options. Courts tend to overwhelmingly serve justice to victims of malignant mesothelioma, holding the companies who failed to protect workers and citizens liable for their actions. You or your family may be able to obtain significant damages awarded, or reach a settlement that will help provide for mesothelioma treatment.

It is important to retain a good mesothelioma attorney when seeking damages to pay for mesothelioma treatment. These attorneys specialize in mesothelioma cases and have the experience, skills, and knowledge background to effectively handle your case. They will also typically have access to a network of experts on mesothelioma treatment and science to rely on in trial. With the help of a mesothelioma lawyer, justice can be served. The companies can be held liable for their omission of vital, lifesaving information. Although lawyers can't remove the asbestos cancer, or make treatment of the disease completely effective, they can make your struggle with the disease more comfortable and ease the burden on your family. If you suffer from malignant mesothelioma, finding an experienced attorney is definitely something to look into.

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Introduction to asbestos-10 key facts

1. Asbestos is a natural mineral that has been used for thousands of years!

2. The asbestos mineral is extracted from the Earth.

3. The mineral asbestos in its natural state is harmless.

4. Asbestos becomes potentially harmful to health when it is operated or used in the manufacture of other products, essentially once it is in the dust or form fibrous and able to be inhaled or swallowed, it becomes potentially harmful to health and can cause the disease of asbestos.

5. Exposure to dust and by way of inhalation or swallowing asbestos fibers can lead to the development of one or more of the following asbestos diseases: malignant mesothelioma, lung cancer asbestos; asbestosis, pleural thickening and pleural plaques.

6. The malignant mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer are, as their names suggest, forms of cancer and need no treatment.

7 Asbestosis is scars on the lungs can cause problems with the respiratory system and while that not so aggressive as malignant mesothelioma and cancer of asbestos lung he gets generally worse over time. Although not usually a fatal disease in itself, it often combines with other health problems to become a serious problem of health.

8 Pleural thickening is a linings of the lungs thickening of and can cause symptoms of pain and shortness of breath. Although not a deadly disease in itself is evidence of exposure to asbestos and, therefore, a marker of the risk of developing one of the most serious diseases asbestos that is malignant mesothelioma lung cancer or asbestos.

9 Pleural plaques are plates of fibrosis (scarring) of the lungs and are often calcified. They rarely cause symptoms of pain and shortness of breath. Although not a deadly disease in themselves, they are, such as pleural thickening, they are evidence of exposure to asbestos and, therefore, a marker of the risk of developing serious asbestos diseases.

10. Despite the pleural plaques representing the scars on people suffering from lungs are more entitled to compensation for them. This is despite the fact that during the 20 years before 2006 compensation, has been paid by the insurers for this condition! It is important here to distinguish, and that is if the pleural plaques are causing symptoms eg pain and shortness of the victim has the right to compensation.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Asbestos Claim Lawyer Can Help With Your Claim!

An asbestos claim lawyer is exactly what you need if you have contracted any asbestos related diseases as a result of asbestos exposure at workplace. Some of the most common but life threatening diseases that you may develop due to asbestos exposure include mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbesotosis. What makes it worse is the fact that these diseases develop gradually and finally get diagnosed only after decades from the time you were first exposed to asbestos. Among all other asbestos related diseases, mesothelioma happens to be the most devastating diseases that may eventually lead to death. A malignant tumor, mesothelioma attacks the thin membrane linings surrounding the lungs and the abdominal cavity respectively.

Asbestos claim lawyers represent clients who were exposed to asbestos in powerhouses, shipyards, steel plants, and other places. Since it is a disease that comes to the surface only after a few decades, mesothelioma cases are often very complicated. Even family members of such workers can become a victim of mesothelioma due to household exposure since the contaminated work clothes carry traces of asbestos. It therefore becomes necessary in case of exposures to find a good lawyer who specializes in asbestos related claims.

The biggest challenge any asbestos claim lawyer faces during asbestos litigation lies in the area of product identification, as the brand name and the manufacturer of the asbestos products that caused mesothelioma need to be proved. Due to passage of time, clients invariably forget the asbestos product that they were exposed to so many years back at the workplace. To make this identification task easier, attorney usually have a broad database of product identification materials along with images at various job sites at top industrial centers in the United States.

Many asbestos claim lawyers work in association with various other law firms and lawyers also specializing in mesothelioma cases and share product identification information with them. As per statute of limitations in most jurisdictions, an asbestos claim lawyer is permitted to file a claim within three years from the time his/her client found out about the asbestos related disease. In other words, lawyers can file an asbestos claim from the date of diagnosis of mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases.

As per a special statute, asbestos claim lawyers can also represent the surviving spouse and dependents of workers who die due to mesothelioma to pursue settlement or wrongful death claims up to ten years from the date of death of the worker.

If you need an attorney in another state, many asbestos claim lawyers may even go to the extent of working in collaboration with a lawyer in that state to settle the claim at the earliest. And in case it is a claim that a particular lawyer cannot settle, you can always search on the Internet for a lawyer specializing in your type of case.

The majority of asbestos claim and mesothelioma lawyers work on a "no win no fee" basis. Before choosing any mesothelioma lawyer, it is important to verify that he/she has relevant experience in handling those types of cases. You also need to ask questions like how often the lawyer updates you on the litigation process, what would be the total litigation cost, and what other options you have. Typically, your lawyer may ask you to pay additional fees towards courier service, court filing fees, copying documents, or research services. You need to therefore understand the exact costs involved before hiring any asbestos claim lawyer to represent your case. At any point of time, you can always change your lawyer if you are not happy with his/her services or the progress of the litigation.

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Related Lung Cancer - The Four Biggest Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The Internet is full of advice, facts and sometimes even misinformation about Mesothelioma and asbestos related cancer. Here are the important facts in a nutshell and the four mistakes you should avoid if there is any chance that you or a family member has ever been exposed to asbestos in any form.

#1. The first big mistake people make when dealing with Mesothelioma and asbestos related lung cancer is that they don't take the time to learn the risk factors.

If you have worked around asbestos or asbestos dust, you could be at risk. People who have worked in shipyards, asbestos mines and mills or worked for companies who produce asbestos products or worked in the heating and construction industries are at increased risk.

Longer exposure or heavy exposure greatly increases the risk, but there are many cases where asbestos related cancer has developed in people who have only had brief exposure to asbestos. There is also a risk that family members and others living with asbestos workers could develop mesothelioma. This risk may be because asbestos dust was brought home on the workers clothes. Keep in mind that it could take up to 20 or 30 years or longer after asbestos exposure for mesothelioma symptoms to appear.

Bottom line: The number one mistake people who have been exposed to asbestos make is that they wait too long to find out if they have any symptoms of mesothelioma. If there is any chance that you may have been exposed to asbestos (even many years ago), you need to seek immediate medical attention because the earlier Mesothelioma can be detected the more treatment options you have. Don't wait until it is too late for effective medical treatment that could extend your life and improve the quality of your life.

#2. The second big mistake people make is that they wait too long after being diagnosed to seek legal help.

You only have a short amount of time after being diagnosed with Mesothelioma to file a claim. A few states allow you two or three years to file a lawsuit, but some states only allow you one year to file your claim. Don't let an asbestos company lawyer string you along until it is too late for you to file your claim. If you go over the limit by even one day, you could risk losing thousands (and maybe even millions of dollars) in settlements for you and your family. If you have any symptoms of mesothelioma, immediately seek out a good attorney who specializes in asbestos related cancer cases.

#3. The third mistake is to seek treatment from a doctor who is not experienced in treating Mesothelioma cases.

The length and quality of your life is at stake. Don't delay getting treated by a doctor who is up on the latest Mesothelioma treatment techniques.

#4. Finally, the most common mistake Mesothelioma patients and their families make is not seeking an attorney who specializes in Mesothelioma and asbestos cancer cases.

Just like you need a doctor who specializes in the treatment of Mesothelioma and asbestos related cancers, you also need a lawyer who specializes in Mesothelioma and asbestos cases. Take steps now to protect yourself if there is any chance that you or a family member has ever been exposed to asbestos in any form.

Permission is hereby granted to reprint this article as long as proper credit is given including the information and links shown below.

Jerry Minchey is an engineer, author and researcher. He cuts through the hype and gets down to the bare facts to reveal secrets that are easy to understand using non-technical terms. He has written several books and produced DVDs as a results of his research.

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Use of asbestos in the 20th century

Although the Greeks and Romans, noted lung problems in minor asbestos and slaves who wore asbestos fibres, we continued to use the equipment for the majority of the 20th century. Unfortunately, today, we know that asbestos causes problems of terrible health such as asbestosis and mesothelioma.

Asbestos was used first 3,000 years ago by ancient civilizations that populated the area that is now the Finland. They used for plugging their houses and pottery. His popularity continued with the Greeks, Romans and Persians 2 000 years. They mainly used the substance in funeral rites or rags that often required, such as cleaning cloths or table napkins.

The popularity of asbestos decreased until the industrial revolution of the 19th century. With the rise of the machines has come the need for a material that was suitable for the heat, fire insulation and electricity that has been used or produced by machines. Asbestos has been recognized as an insulation is perfect for all of these things. In addition, it protects against chemicals and resistant to degradation. He has also as a silicate material, high resistance to traction and flexibility.

The arrival of the automobile industry and gain popularity in the industry of construction in the 20th century stimulated the production of asbestos loaded from 1900 until the 1980s. First, it was mainly used as brake pads, shoes and clutch car plates. However, when people began to move to the cities and businesses became skyscrapers, it is when the real revolution of the 20th century in the use of asbestos has begun.

In the 20th century, we began to be influenced and electricity. This translates into buildings, air conditioning, heating and wiring necessary to bring the electricity in the building. For example, to maintain our cold or hot air, we needed insulation in our walls and ceilings. In addition, the wiring to supply power was to be insulated to prevent sparks and catch things fire.

Thus, asbestos was soon an ingredient in many products, including:

Insulating walls
Ceiling tiles
Gypsum Board

Unfortunately, it was not until the 1970s that people began to protest against asbestos due to health related issues. Finally, in 1989, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued the right of the asbestos ban and Phase Out regulated the use of asbestos in the industries. Also, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued laws controlling the amount that can be used in and around a work environment.

Even if we are now aware of the dangers of asbestos, millions of people have been exposed to material before it became regulated. For example, people still today could develop mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Continuation of mesothelioma

People suffering from Mesothelioma are provided with the legal right by Maryland law to file a Mesothelioma lawsuit. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that happens because of asbestos exposure. You are much more susceptible to this illness if you've worked wherever the chance of inhaling asbestos debris was high. For those who have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you may get compensation from the celebration accountable for your publicity to asbestos by way of a Mesothelioma lawsuit.

Mesothelioma is a critical disease; oftentimes generating its presence felt 20 or thirty years following exposure. You would like to commence the healthcare treatment immediately in order have more than a one year|twelve months survival rate. When submitting Georgia Mesothelioma lawsuits, you should have a correct comprehending of all of the intricacies which are associated with filing lawsuits. Make sure you employ a qualified and skilled Mesothelioma lawyer because only then are you able to attain success in your lawsuit.

Mesothelioma, the disease of mesothelium, is a painful one mingled with costly treatment. Mesothelium is the overlaying made across the heart, lungs and different essential organ of human body. It protects the organs from injury when beating towards the body wall. Generally in case of involuntary muscles in human body, as located in heart, stomach, lungs etc, the mesothelium performs essential role.

In the course of respiration system the air is taken in, get purified in lungs and once again the contaminated blood filled with carbon-di-oxide is taken out. In the course of the mentioned purification process if any small or even microscopic particles are inhaled unexpectedly then those debris can't come out effortlessly from lungs and linger caught within the mesothelium. If such particles debris get accrued in big quantity in lungs, then it causes a lot kind of lungs related or cardio-thoracic problems. In numerous cases it eventually results in cancer, known as mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a infrequent cancer kind that occurs because of asbestos exposure. It's got an effect on the liner of the lungs and abdominal cavity. Mesothelioma is a deadly illness with a mean survival time of simply twelve months following diagnosis. Your survival rate may easily increase if it is diagnosed early. Mesothelioma litigations in Baltimore offer you an opportunity to file a case against a party that's accountable on your situation.

No just one expects go to hospital following working with a firm that use asbestos within the manufacturing process. No one wish to handle an expensive lawyer in courtroom as it will take time, energy, productiveness time, not pointed out losses in all probability that would make employee pay additional money to organization who employ their situation much more over whether it is associated with Asbestos mesothelioma case before the courts claim.

Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor of the mesothelium the result of publicity to asbestos fibers. There is several fundamental details just one ought to be mindful of if he is thinking about pursuing an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit. Previous to pursuing a lawsuit, he ought to search advice from a respectable mesothelioma lawyer for a better comprehension of mesothelioma law. A mesothelioma lawsuit give you just one with enough compensation that will assist cover his legal, medical, and on-going bills related to the mesothelioma cancer.

Federal US entitles people identified with mesothelioma to file a lawsuit against the errant company or companies. Mesothelioma, being a deadly sort of cancer, ruins the prospects of victims and their families. This efficiently signifies that mesothelioma lawsuits are essential something that may mitigate the sufferings of the family

In the past, as a consequence of being exposed to an asbestos material, there have been circumstances when the mesothelioma melanoma sufferers have gotten thousands in reparation for their cancer diagnosis. Lately, mesothelioma lawsuits help those who have become unwell with this cancer by supplying a array of reimbursements. Several of those litigations have answered people who have been in touch with asbestos linked substances at their workplace, and corporations are obliged to pay damages to their existing or former staff members for non-disclosure of the hazard entailed in touching asbestos and linked materials.

Some fundamental elements must be taken under consideration by victims discovered to endure mesothelioma cancer and are capable of file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

What are mesothelioma lawsuits and just how do they arise?
$5 million continues to be recovered from your mesothelioma litigation filed on behalf of a 70-year-old man who passed faraway from malignant mesothelioma. The man was exposed to mesothelioma causing asbestos at work. His profession called for fitting asbestos that contains ceiling tiles. He breathed in asbestos fibers launched by the tiles everyday. The fibers have been launched whenever he reduce and in good shape the tiles. In addition, he was also exposed to asbestos from working alongside drywall installers who produced asbestos dust from using only asbestos that contains joint compound.

Is mesothelioma curable? The straight answer to this query is 'No'. Well, you will find drugs and treatments that assist in easing the pain sensation and should aid to extend life, however these remedies aren't sufficient to save life. Mesothelium refers back to the wrapping structure of nearly all of the bodily organs in our system and mesothelioma is the cancer that occurs in mesothelium.

It has been reported that deaths attributable to mesothelioma cancer in England is increasing. According to at least one estimate, 2,249 men and women died from malignant mesothelioma in 2008 whereas 2,156 died from the sickness in From 2006 to 2008, northeastern England was the geographic area with the very best incidence of mesothelioma deaths. The male demise rate was 1 per million. Southeastern England adopted having a male death rate of 74 deaths per million people.

The asbestos cancer mesothelioma is a threat to the lives of many Navy veterans. This really is as the Navy used asbestos-containing items extensively. Several instances of asbestos-containing goods are gaskets, adhesives, cables and valves. The areas of a ship wherever asbestos may have been present are several and take on boiler rooms, mess halls, engine rooms and navigation rooms. Ships involve a too high risk of asbestos exposure due to many areas on board ships are closed, which means that asbestos fibers can't escape. As such, asbestos fibers on board a ship are likely to dealt with by ship personnel.
You or a loved just one has just been diagnosed with Mesothelioma. Your mind and emotions are on a curler coaster ride, not understanding much if anything about this deadly cancer, and never knowing wherever to show for Mesothelioma monetary help. There is assist in the storm. Listed here are many methods to locate Mesothelioma monetary aid whenever you require it after being diagnosed with Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer that's the result of exposure to asbestos fibers, and this cancer can cut lifespan to a point of months from the onset of symptoms. Over recent years, the amount of mesothelioma instances coming to light has risen quite dramatically, as well as in line with this, the amount of mesothelioma litigations being filed has also increased. Due to mesothelioma lawsuits became such huge business, a lot law firms and lawyers now specialize during this area, generating it simpler for all those affected by this disease to obtain the legal assistance they have to file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

A diagnosis of mesothelioma because of industrial asbestos exposure may be daunting, both emotionally and logistically. A myriad of questions show up that may appear at initial difficult to locate answers for. This article serves as a guide to those most-often requested questions regarding mesothelioma and submitting a litigation coping with mesothelioma.

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